Friday, May 26, 2023

Catching Up! Jacob's Woods 2021

Here is quick post of some highlights from a walk in a small City Park close by. It's notable since I got a life bird on this trip (Great-crested Flycatcher)

Great-crested Flycatcher

Great-crested Flycatcher (some editing to show with enough lighting)

House Wren pair courting and nesting

House Wren male serenading!

House Wren

One thing I enjoy about going out with the camera is just stopping at times, and waiting, for more than just a minute, to see what you can see or hear. In this case, I my eye caught something that drew my attention. Sure enough, a racoon was dozing in the crotch of a tree. Pretty sure it had heard me and woke up before I saw it... didn't move though.


Till next time... enjoy His handiwork!

1 comment:

  1. Brian, Good to hear you are still birding and appreciating nature. Hope the family is doing well. -DM


Sorry about the annoying word verification... I've been deluged with Spam comments lately and some have been offensive.