Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Other Side of the Pond

Nope, I didn't make a birding trip to Europe.  I simply walked to the other side of the pond.  Almost every time I got to Valley Inn Road ponds, I make my way towards the walking path which heads along the Grindstone Creek.  Good intentions to visit "the other side" are usually unfulfilled by the time I'm realizing lunch hour is going to be over and I better head back to the car and office. But this time I decided finally go to the rarely visited side where there is some good habitat for herons.  I had been told by others as well that they were often found there.

Just before heading to the water's edge, there is a small trail feature which has wild flowers along the edges.  I found a Hummingbird Moth feeding there.

Hummingbird Moth

Hummingbird Moth

I walked along the pond edge and looked through and along the cover of the green growth spilling over the banks - perfect habitat for Nigh Herons which like to perch there.  I didn't see anything and enjoyed just waiting quietly to see what might come by.

Caspian Tern

A dragonfly also popped by to visit while I waited.

Eastern Pondhawk

Then out of the corner of my eye, I caught movement in the shadows, and maybe after a nap, a juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron made an appearance, balancing on a fallen branch.  It settled in the shelter of the

juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron

The first year bird was going after bugs on the top of the water, and at one attempt to retrieve something on the top of the water, slipped off the branch and fell in the water.  Good thing there was no snapping turtle lurking under the duck weed.

juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron spill into the pond.

Alert juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron.

On the way home from work that day, I was able to capture the Wild Turkeys I often see in the morning or evening.  They are hard to get close to though.  They seem completely oblivious when the cars are driving by, but walking even quietly and seeming under cover of ditch and hedge lines doesn't seem to cut. They have excellent vision as well as hearing and are quite cautious birds.  Once they notice you, they start moving quickly.

Wild Turkeys

Wild Turkey wing stretch
Wild Turkeys heading for the cover of the bush.

Till next time,
Keep enjoying HIS handiwork.

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